26. Paphiopedilum wardii Summerhayes, Gard. Chron., ser. 3,. 92: 446. 1932. 彩云兜兰 cai yun dou lan Cypripedium wardii (Summerhayes) C. Curtis (1933), not Rolfe (1913); Paphiopedilum brevilabium Z. J. Liu & J. Yong Zhang; P. microchilum Z. J. Liu & S. C. Chen; P. multifolium Z. J. Liu & J. Yong Zhang.Plants terrestrial. Leaves 2-5, distichous; blade abaxially rather densely mottled with purple, adaxially tessellated with light or bluish and dark green, oblong or elliptic, 8-23 × 2.5-4.1 cm, sparsely ciliate toward basal margin, slightly bilobulate or tridenticulate at acute apex. Scape erect, terminating in a solitary flower; peduncle purple-red, 15-40 cm, pubescent; floral bract ovate-lanceolate, conduplicate, 1.8-2.3 cm, abaxially pubescent, ciliate; pedicel and ovary 4-5.5 cm, pubescent. Flower 7-10 cm in diam.; dorsal sepal and synsepal white or whitish green, veined with deep green; petals greenish white, flushed with purplish brown and spotted throughout with blackish brown; lip greenish to pale yellow-brown, veined and finely spotted with brown; staminode greenish marbled, deep green centrally. Dorsal sepal ovate, 3-4.5 × 2-3.5 cm, both surfaces puberulent particularly on veins, ciliate, acuminate at apex; synsepal ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 3.5-4.5 × 1.4-2.5 cm, both surfaces puberulent, ciliate, acute or acuminate at apex. Petals usually spreading horizontally, suboblong or oblong-lanceolate, 4.5-6 × 1.5-2 cm, adaxially minutely puberulent particularly in basal half, long ciliate, shortly acuminate at apex; lip helmet-shaped, 3.4-4.6 cm, warty on incurved lateral lobes; pouch 2.2-2.5 × 2-2.4 cm, outside slightly puberulent. Staminode obcordate-lunate, 9-10 × 13-15 mm, puberulent adaxially, apical sinus with a small central tooth and 2 incurved lateral teeth. Fl. Dec-Mar. 2n = 41, 44.Shaded and steep rocks or near roots of large trees at forest margins or in forests along streams (1-3 m from water); ca. 2000 m. SW Yunnan (Lushui) [Myanmar].Paphiopedilum ×yingjiangense Z. J. Liu & S. C. Chen (Acta Bot. Yunnan. 29: 289. 2007) was recently described as a natural hybrid from W Yunnan (Yingjiang). In the protologue, P. villosum and P. wardii were suggested as the putative parents. However, a more likely parentage is P. spicerianum and P. wardii.【引自:Flora of China】
地生植物。叶基生,二列,3-5枚;叶片狭长圆形,长10-17厘米,宽4-5.5厘米,先端钝的3浅裂,上面有深浅蓝绿色相间的网格斑,背面有较密集的紫色斑点,基部收狭成叶柄状并对折而互相套叠。花葶直立,长12-25厘米,紫红色,密生短柔毛,顶端生1花;花苞片披针形,长2-3厘米,多少围抱子房,先端急尖并略有3浅裂,背面有龙骨状突起,沿龙骨状突起被毛,边缘有缘毛;花梗和子房长4-6厘米,被毛;花较大;中萼片与合萼片白色而有绿色粗脉纹,花瓣绿白色或淡黄绿色而有密集的暗栗色斑点或有时有紫褐色晕,唇瓣绿黄色而具暗色脉和淡褐色晕以及栗色小斑点,退化雄蕊淡黄绿色而有深绿色和紫褐色脉纹;中萼片卵形,长4-5厘米,宽2.5-3厘米,先端渐尖,背面常略被毛,边缘具缘毛;合萼片卵状披针形,长3.5-4.5厘米,宽2-2.5厘米,亦略被毛;花瓣近长圆形,长5-6.5厘米,宽约1.5厘米,先端急尖,边缘有长缘毛;唇瓣倒盔状,基部有宽阔的、长1.5-2厘米的柄;囊近长圆状卵形,向末端略变狭,长2.5-3厘米,宽约2厘米,囊口极宽阔,两侧各有1个直立的耳,两耳前方的边缘不内折,囊底有毛,囊外表面被小乳突状毛,内弯侧裂片上常有小疣状突起;退化雄蕊倒心状半月形,长约1厘米,宽1.2-1.5厘米,先端有宽阔的湾缺,湾缺中央具短尖。花期12月至次年3月。 【引自:中国植物志】
编号 | 保藏类型 | 保护级别 | 份数 | 数据来源 |
IVB0260 | 离体培养物 | 国家保护植物 | 4 | 离体材料库 |
IVB0284 | 离体培养物 | 0 | 离体材料库 | |
IVB1072 | 离体培养物 | 国家保护植物 | 10 | 离体材料库 |